Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Today's about Seanna, my oldest and my dreamer.  What a bundle of energy and creativity she can certainly be!  She's my fairy dancer and the one to tell us stories.

It's really quite amazing to watch Seanna interact with the world and then to remember that she's not even 3 years old yet.  I've lost count of the words that she can say and she is well beyond her years in her ability to put together complete sentences.  She is so funny with what she chooses to say as well.  Last night, she decided that she wanted to sleep in bed with NiNi (my mother-in-law).  When NiNi told her that it was alright for her to do so and helped her up into the bed, Seanna leaned back, stretched out her arms and proceeded to say (in dramatic fashion, of course) "This is Amazing!".  Life is a constant display of such occurrences around here.

Seanna is also my artist and my dancer.  Although her art skills are definitely more along her age skill-level, her intensity and focus when working on her art definitely seems to be well beyond her years.
 This is a child who will sit and think before she marks on a page and who's favorite day is one where she can sit out on the porch with her easel and stool.
Her love for the arts does not stop with paints, etc... and paper, though.  Her days are spent dancing and twirling throughout the house as she imitates Angelina Ballerina.  And, do you know?  She actually already is on her way to accomplishing many of the classic ballet positions.  Boy, oh boy, you should see her lift that leg up, too!

Let's not forget that all dancers need to interact with fairies and pretend to be fairies themselves.  Seanna's ballet outfit is only complete when she has on both her ballet tutu and her fairy wings, as I learned recently when we went on a trip and both had to be packed.

Life is definitely a constant surprise with Seanna around and I am so glad that I am her mom and able to be a part of these magical years.

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