Tuesday, October 1, 2013

It's been a busy few days here with finishing up yardwork to get ready for fall/winter and preparing for some upcoming photo sessions.  Have you ever noticed that cleaning something is essentially putting a sign out that says "come spill something here, etc...?"  It seems like every time we get the floor mopped here or a new tablecloth on the table that the first thing that happens is that something is spilled.  Honestly, it's become a running joke.

In thinking about that, though, it occurred to me that I notice that happening more when I'm trying to get the house clean because other people are coming over, I'm taking more pictures, etc...  Now, I'm not saying that spills don't happen other times or that having a clean house is not important; but, what is it about us moms that makes us feel like we have to be perfect?  Think about it, when you take pictures of your kids, etc... or tell people about stuff, do you share the whole picture or just the part that makes you sound like supermom?  Or, if you don't meet up to the supermom standard that you've set for yourself (either by watching other moms or by your own ideals), does it make you feel like less of a mom?

Guess what?  No mom is perfect and what makes us supermoms is the fact that we love and protect our children.  Are we going to get it right every time?  No, but we're still supermoms because that's our job.  So, allow yourself to relax and enjoy your children's childhood.  And, by all means, take pictures of all of the moments, not just the ones where your children are perfectly posed, etc...

 Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.  In the picture above, my oldest daughter, Seanna got a hold of a highlighter and decided to use it to put make-up on.  Although definitely not her most angelic-looking moment, this will be a picture that will be fun to look back on in the future.

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